Dara King

Position: Dating Columnist

Location: New York, NY

Bio: I am a 23-year-old chief creative officer of a business with offices in Manhattan and LA. I am also a small business development consultant. By the age of 22, I was a college graduate with my own successful business. I decided to sell it and move to Manhattan to live the high life... sound grand? well I now fear my best years are behind me. I am now an anonymous face in New York City. I have a dog more famous than I am (literally... he was featured as pet of the month in a New York paper and has appeared in modeling campaigns for national magazines... yes, I am also his personal assistant) and I have dated every eligible bachelor on the Eastern Seaboard (and some in LA) and I am still very single. But alas I am regrouping and recording my adventures while doing other creative things like painting, cooking, shopping (yes that is creative on my budget), and interior design.

I love branding and can market anything (my mom says it is because I am manipulative... but whatever works). I love managing projects. I say I am a natural born leader, others say I am a control freak that throws temper tantrums (no not really, just joking, please hire me) but whatever the case, I seem to have a midas' touch.

Likes: shoes. yes shoes. I have many in my closet and one tattooed to my wrist. I dream in shoes. yes literally dream in shoes. I could be dreaming about a date with the perfect man and the way I recall what that date was about is by what shoes i was wearing in the dream.

Even though my first love is shoes, my second love is football. weird right? I am high heel, football loving, artistic, business woman. A box full of oxymorons... or maybe just a little girl lost.

Other than that, the usual suspects; art, music (Maxwell), my blackberry or more specifically bbm, my dog, cake, Pure water filters, and the list goes on.

Facebook: Facebook.com/daraking

Website: Artdirectingmylife.blogspot.com

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