Position: Live Show Correspondent (Los Angeles)
Location: La Verne, CA
Bio: Pablo was raised on awesome music. Listening to Beatles, Vicente Fernandez, Los Freddys and Led Zeppelin albums blasting through his parent’s stereo led to a broad, rich musical taste he continues to explore. PC resides in the city of La Verne, CA and is currently pulling design duties with a degree in landscape architecture as well as contributing to music and video game review sites. He’s an avid reader and has been writing since the high school days with plans to continue doing so and share stories, thoughts and ramblings with anyone willing to sit through them. You can follow his daily musings on Twitter and be friends with him on Facebook.
Likes: All good music. What is good music? I’ll tell you when I hear it. Though I do tend to prefer the Indie sounds of rock, hip-hop and everything in between, or is that outside?
Columns At CWG: Reality Check
Twitter: twitter.com/PabloCortez
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pablo.cortez